Firms Using Face Shields for Added Safety From Infection at the Workplace
You have likely heard the advice to wear face masks to help protect others from getting the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). But it is possible that face shields from a PPE manufacturer in Canada may be better than just a mask to enhance workplace safety.
Potential Issues With Masks
Face coverings like masks are sometimes itchy. That can cause people to touch their faces and the mask. The problem with this is that the mask wearer might contaminate their hands with secretions from the throat or nose. The other issue is that after touching a contaminated surface like a door handle, mask wearers might touch their faces and rub their eyes, too. It can lead to an infection of other people.
The mask only protects the mouth and nose, but respiratory viruses like the COVID-19 virus can also enter the body through the eyes. That’s where medical PPE manufacturers in Canada come in. With face shields, your employees won’t be as likely to touch their nose or eyes since it isn’t as easy. Plus, a face shield by itself does not make the person’s face itch. Face shields are the ideal choice if your employees meet a lot of other people every day.
There are only limited benefits to wearing face masks in public, especially if you are only wearing a cloth one. For instance, they will not keep the virus out of your eyes. But one study showed that when hospital staff who wore goggles entered a room where there were respiratory illnesses, only 5 percent of them got sick. Without wearing goggles, about 28 percent got sick. Similarly to goggles, a face shield can act as a barrier that prevents people from touching their eyes. A face shield can also prevent fluids from the body from getting transferred to other people.
Using Face Shields
You should encourage the employees at your firm to wash their hands after they handle their face coverings. For cloth masks, you should wash them after every use. Washing them daily is the minimum. If you can, dry your cloth masks on a hot cycle.
If you have to wear a face covering again, it is important for you to wash your hands after you put it on. Try to avoid touching your face when you wear it. It is a good idea to get rid of cloth masks that do not cover the mouth or nose or with damaged straps. This is a good option when your employees cannot stay at least two metres apart from each other or away from clients.
Turn to One of the Top Medical PPE Manufacturers in Canada
If you want to keep your employees safe, consider placing an order with a leading PPE face shield manufacturer. Contact Identifab Industries Ltd. to learn more.
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