Step-by-Step Guide for Custom Screen Printing in Mississauga

Whether a first-time customer or someone who has relied on custom screen printing in Mississauga for years, you may not fully understand the process. Even though you leave the work to a professional company, it helps to gain insight regarding the process. After all, knowledge is powerful, and something that could ultimately save you time and money.
Custom printing in Mississauga is something that goes beyond standard printing. That means that a professional company uses your specifications to create a finished product that meets or exceeds expectations. Below are the primary steps involved in creating custom screen printing products.
  • Artwork – Whether something that you created or a design that came to fruition thanks to the help of the screen printing company, the artwork is sized, color changed, and color separated. With custom printing in Mississauga, each design color usually represents a screen. Therefore, separation is essential for creating individual colors.

  • Film Positive – This represents a positive of your design image, which is printed out using black ink on a transparent background. As part of the exposure process, light is blocked from reaching that particular area of the screen. This ensures a high-quality screen.

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Contact Us:

Identifab Industries Limited
43 Baywood Road
Etobicoke, Ontario
Zip Code: M9V 3Y8
Phone: (416) 743-7343


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