Stores Utilizing Face Shields for Infection Control as Businesses Prepare for Resumption

As businesses are starting to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, employers are now welcoming their workers back to the workplace. Stay-at- home orders are slated to soon expire, allowing some easing of restrictions to businesses. But when you are opening a work location like a store, there are many considerations to be made to control the spread of the infection. One way is to require the use of a face shield visor . Accommodations for Personal Protective Equipment Sometimes, one or more of your employees may have disabilities and need to have reasonable accommodations made for them. That might include wearing non-latex gloves or special gowns for people who are in wheelchairs. Or an employee may need to do lip reading, so you might have to provide clear safety face shields. You should also make accommodations for religious requirements. That may include a modified mask for use with religious clothing. There are several things your business may need to do, including: Get...