
Showing posts from 2020

Why Should Food Businesses Use Face Shields for Staff and Customer Safety?

  Today, face masks are mandatory in many areas in Canada. The requirements can differ depending on the area, but food companies have to take extra care to protect both the staff and the food they are preparing. The good news is that you might be able to use  safety face shields  to keep your employees safer. Communication A face shield visor can help with communication issues. It is easier to see through them, allowing you to see the speaker’s face better. That helps people to feel more connected. With a face mask, it is often harder to understand the wearer. A face mask makes it hard to read the emotions of the speaker. Cost and Reuse You can reuse a face shield, meaning you only need to allot one for each member of the staff. They might cost more initially, but you do not need to replace them very much. On the other hand, it can be more expensive to get disposable masks. Each staff member might wear several each day. Cloth face masks are one alternative, and each staff...

Stores Utilizing Face Shields for Infection Control as Businesses Prepare for Resumption

  As businesses are starting to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, employers are now welcoming their workers back to the workplace. Stay-at- home orders are slated to soon expire, allowing some easing of restrictions to businesses. But when you are opening a work location like a store, there are many considerations to be made to control the spread of the infection. One way is to require the use of a  face shield visor . Accommodations for Personal Protective Equipment Sometimes, one or more of your employees may have disabilities and need to have reasonable accommodations made for them. That might include wearing non-latex gloves or special gowns for people who are in wheelchairs. Or an employee may need to do lip reading, so you might have to provide clear safety face shields. You should also make accommodations for religious requirements. That may include a modified mask for use with religious clothing. There are several things your business may need to do, including: Get...

Firms Using Face Shields for Added Safety From Infection at the Workplace

You have likely heard the advice to wear face masks to help protect others from getting the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). But it is possible that face shields from a  PPE manufacturer in Canada  may be better than just a mask to enhance workplace safety. Potential Issues With Masks Face coverings like masks are sometimes itchy. That can cause people to touch their faces and the mask. The problem with this is that the mask wearer might contaminate their hands with secretions from the throat or nose. The other issue is that after touching a contaminated surface like a door handle, mask wearers might touch their faces and rub their eyes, too. It can lead to an infection of other people. The mask only protects the mouth and nose, but respiratory viruses like the COVID-19 virus can also enter the body through the eyes. That’s where medical PPE manufacturers in Canada come in. With face shields, your employees won’t be as likely to touch their nose or eyes since it isn’t as easy. ...

Why Do Businesses Prefer to Choose Custom Decals?

There are many ways you can choose to promote your company, with some options being more effective and creative than others. In the race to promote your brand and make your name memorable, many businesses are choosing to use  custom decals in Canada . A decal is simply a sticker that allows you to put a design on a surface. There are many types of these stickers, but a popular type is a wall decal. Many people use these for advertising and promotion. There is a reason that decals have become so popular. Stickers can promote your business and improve brand recognition. Benefits of Custom Decals in Toronto Stickers for your business are easy for you to install. Other options for placing your brand name on a wall, such as a mural, are more difficult and costly to place. The design is already there once you have it printed. All you need to do is figure out where you are going to place it. You will also find that custom labels are easy to maintain. Wallpaper might peel and pic...

How Long Will Your Decal Last?

You can use custom decals for many situations, including places that require warning labels or logos. They are relatively easy to manufacture, giving you your product quickly and cost-effectively. Three main factors determine how long your custom decals made in Canada will last, including the material, the lamination, and the amount of usage. Laminating Your Decal For  custom decals in Toronto  that need to last for a long time to come, consider having them laminated. This allows the decal to withstand a greater amount of use before it begins to show signs of wear. Some types of laminate can add a gloss to the finished decal. If you need something secure, security laminates leave a marking that voids the label if removed. Some types of laminates can even withstand extreme weather conditions and chemicals. Turn to a Trusted Provider of Custom Decals in Toronto No matter what your industry, custom decals offer you any number of options. Choosing the right materia...

MetalPhoto Vs. Screen Printing: Which Option Is the Best

Sometimes, a simple stamped or embossed label is not enough. Whether your business is looking for a label with a QR code, a warning sign with bright colours, or a customised logo, MetalPhoto and screen printing are two great options. There are similarities between these processes, but there are a few key differences. These differences will help you decide between MetalPhoto and  screen printing in Toronto . What Is MetalPhoto? MetalPhoto is also known as photo anodization. This process uses an anodized aluminum metal that is photosensitive. Anodized metal has a smooth, protective finish. The photosensitive metal has been developed for the MetalPhoto process. You can embed your design in the metal itself, and seal it under a special layer of anodized aluminum metal. You can use this process to transfer any design on the metal. You can transfer any image on a computer to the metal. However, the finished product will be in black and white. This process is not engraving, so th...