
Showing posts from December, 2017

Different Ways Engraving Gets Done on Engraved Name Plates

When it comes to engraved name plates, experts typically use one of two methods: computerized rotary or laser. Although the two are unique, both produce excellent results. Depending on the project, some professionals use a combination of the two techniques. Laser engraving name plates tend to be the preferred method between the two. This specific engraving name plates process offers several advantages over the computerized rotary method. For one thing, it is a non-contact method, which means that tools do not experience as much wear and tear. Also, the engraved mark comes out crisp and permanent. As a result, nameplates look fantastic for a long time. Something else to consider is that this process is fast; therefore, if you need a project expedited, this is the route an expert would likely take. Although laser engraving works great for a variety of projects, it excels when it comes to graphic designs and photographs for many different materials. From the engraver’s standpoint, t...